23 04, 2023

Contes de Printemps (School session)

By |2023-05-31T16:45:06+02:0023 April 2023|, |0 Comments

Spring is coming. In the middle of the jungle or the forest, nature takes over, encounters surprise more than one, love blossoms and troubadours sing for the queen. Stories of great originality brought by young talents of animation to celebrate this season full of promises...

23 04, 2023

Captains (Youth Selection)

By |2023-05-31T16:41:50+02:0023 April 2023|, , |0 Comments

Noée, a 9 year old girl, comes to join her mother who has recently moved to an island in Brittany where she has found a job as a waitress in a restaurant. When she arrives, Noée discovers that all the children on the island have known each other all their lives, that they have a rather easy life and that they are all sailing. Chenghua is 9 years old and has to prepare a presentation on space with his best friend. She can't find the time to do it because her parents are always asking her to translate. The latter do not speak French.

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