Editorial by David Lisnard

Mayor of Cannes – Chairman of the Agglomération Cannes Lérins
Chairman, Association des Maires de France

A useful festival to dream about!

In the wake of the Cannes Film Festival, the International Festival of Ecological and Social Films (Festival International du Film Écologique et Social), another competition that is both artistic and committed, lights up the Cannes screen.

A place for expression, reflection and exchange, the FIFES promotes, through the 7 th Art, experience in the service of the Common Good. Promoting initiatives and actions in favor of a sustainable future, the selection of cinematographic works as much as the meetings in the heart of the village, seize the conscience and dilate the horizon of possibilities.
The festival is clearly a place where tomorrow’s world is dreamed of, and where everyone learns to make this dream a shared reality, following Antoine Saint-Exupéry’s invitation to inhabit the earth and ensure that life remains possible for many generations to come.

I’m delighted to welcome this event, which is encouraged and supported by the Mairie de Cannes, our official partner, whose commitment to realistic ecology is reflected in the proactive and innovative action we’ve been taking for nine years now.

When it comes to preserving natural resources and all living organisms in the various environments that make up our maritime and terrestrial environment, the municipality works with local associations, schoolchildren and their families to implement concrete initiatives throughout the year, based on a non-punitive approach.

I therefore salute the mobilization of the collective organizing the International Ecological and Social Film Festival, and the originality of the event, which responds to an urgent need: to build a better world, without naivety but with creativity, lucidity and responsibility.

Yes, this is the challenge of our time, when justice is the only hope for peace between people, species and elements, as part of a harmonious local and global development project based on research, knowledge, progress and innovation.

Enjoy the festival.